WestCOP is honored to have been selected as the recipient of a $25,000 grant from Field HallFoundation as part of its Spring 2022 Grant Awards. The grant will support supplementalmonthly nutritional assistance to senior...
Please join us in recognizing and celebrating the dedication and hard work of WestCOP’s women Area CAP Directors for Women’s History Month. Read More … Download E-Blast
WestCOP launches Bridge Builders to foster positive dialogue between law enforcement and local youth. Real estate developer Robert Martin Company seeds new Racial and Social Justice Community Initiative with a $50,000 grant. Download release...
Southern Westchester BOCES is offering ENGLISH CLASSES at the Tarrytown CAP starting on February 24th. Register Today – Call (914) 937-3829 or (914) 637-1936. DOWNLOAD FLYER
The purpose of this RFP is to provide Security Service to a 93-unit apartment building located in Brooklyn, New York. The building will be operating as a family shelter. The security and safety of...
WestCOP is seeking bids for maintenance service on a 93-unit building in. Brooklyn, New York. RFPs are due February 26, 2021. Click on the link below for more information. DOWNLOAD RFP FOR MAINTENANCE SERVICE
VAS is offering training online for volunteer rape crisis helpline counselors. The training will take place from January 21st to March 25th. It will be every Thursday from 6:00PM to 9:00PM via ZOOM. Participants...
WestCOP is excited to announce that its Early Childhood programs have reopened! WestCOP closed its Head Start Centers on March 13, 2020, due to the outbreak of COVID19. Since then, WestCOP staff continued to...